Studio Muse

Originally from Poughkeepsie, New York, I moved to the Pittsburgh area around 17 years ago to figure out what I wanted to pursue. When I realized how much I loved to do hair, it became my passion over the last 12 years. My passion grew tremendously overtime and later I found out I wanted to take my career even further and start my very own business! Over the past 10 years, I’ve specialized in color; balayages, mostly. My goal is to attend continuous education and thrive as far as I can go! Studio Muse is only the beginning for me and I hope to inspire everyone that sits in my chair from now until the end of my career!

Business Hours

12 PM - 7 PM
11 AM - 8 PM
11 AM - 7 PM
9 AM - 4 PM
9 AM - 3 PM

Cancellation Policy

Clients cancelling 48 hours or less of their scheduled appointment, will be required to pay 50% of the services reserved in order to continue to book other services with our business. Clients that NO SHOW, will be charged 100% of the services reserved. Any cancellation that is consecutive after 3 times will be required to put down a deposit for next time scheduling. Thank you for your patience and understanding!